Get started on your savings goals. Managing your account is easy with Online and Mobile banking, or choose paper statements.
Minimum to open | N/A |
Quarterly service charge | N/A |
Balance needed to waive quarterly service charge | N/A |
Transaction limitations | N/A |
Quarterly paper statement fee | N/A |
Quarterly Features | Earns interest—Calculated daily, paid quarterly FREE Online & Mobile Banking with mobile deposit FREE instant-issue contactless Mastercard® debit card - FREE identity theft monitoring with enrollment - FREE card alerts with enrollment FREE notary services FREE incoming wires |
Client Relationship Manager
805 730 7877
NMLSR: #1039591
Location: Santa Barbara
Vice President, Branch Manager
805 540 6243
NMLSR: #1097395
Location: San Luis Obispo
First Vice President, Regional Branch Manager
805 296 1771
NMLSR: #1038237
Location: Paso Robles
American Riviera Bank knows and cares about our customers.