In the second episode of this two-part series, Michelle Martinich, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at American Riviera Bank continues the conversation of how individuals and businesses can make small changes for big impacts on the Central Coast. She is joined by Joe Campanelli of Campanelli & Associates Corporation and Dennis Allen of Allen Construction.
Joe Campanelli has been a member of the Santa Barbara Contractors Association since 1974. He received the California Energy Commission’s “Flex Your Power Award” from Governor Schwarzenegger and was awarded the Builder of the Year “Members Choice Award” for best Santa Barbara Contractor in 2008. He is a founding member of the Santa Barbara Green Building Alliance and helped to create the “Built Green” checklist for home owners and the city.
Dennis Allen has served as a consultant on the County of Santa Barbara’s Smart Build Santa Barbara Committee for the past 14 years, encouraging energy efficiency and sustainable practices in building projects within the County. Allen Construction is a general contracting firm, specializing in environmentally friendly, custom residential and commercial building. Dennis also serves as Chair of the Bren Graduate School Dean’s Council at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he is heavily involved in efforts to infuse sustainability into graduate curriculum and campus buildings.
Previous: Green Building, Part 1 Next: The Missing Middle